Category Archives: ads

here for good.

I like Standard Chartered’s new tagline: Here for good.

“(…) Simply by doing good, can a bank in fact be great? In the many places we call home, our purpose remains the same. To be here for people. Here for progress. Here for the long run. Here for good.”

I am all in favour of making your words work harder!

It’s fair to use one word to say one thing but it rocks to use one word to say two things! So efficient.

brevity is the soul of wit.

Tock. Tick.

For Procter & Gamble – Oil of Olay.
Sheer brilliance. Saatchi & Saatchi almost always nails it.

val disagrees with agreeing.

Have you ever thought about the phrase ‘agree to disagree’? Like ‘ok, let’s agree to disagree’. I can’t remember my line of argument anymore.

But well, I disagree with agreeing.

Think I’m just sprouting rubbish. I’m not thinking straight today. (Some people will argue that I almost never think straight anyway, in the sense that I come up with quite a number of sexual innuendos. But no, not that kind of crooked.) How can I think straight when I can see my cap everywhere I look? I feel like a suspicious, perverted man. I miss my irritating hair that’s all over my face and giving me a lazy eye.

Here’s an example of my defective brain patterns today:


tagline for a family MPV (I hope you’re able to make the mental leaps.)